Al-Anon Lifer

Anonymous sharings from a long-time member of Al-Anon, which is a safe place to recover from the effects of alcoholism in a friend or relative...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I've Stopped Fighting

One of my character defects due to the "fight or flight" syndrome we Al-Anons often share is that I always seemed to need an enemy - at home, at work, or even in the program. But at Summer Assembly, when someone came up to me to ask if I heard the remarks someone else made and if I thought they were rebuking something we had done, I gently said, "No, I did not take it personally."

Then at the end of Assembly, I was approached by someone else who had a strong suggestion/correction about the way I was doing part of my position. I was actually able to take this constructive criticism by saying "Point taken. I hear you. I understand. I will change that and report the change next Assembly." Not only did I say the right things, I did not feel the immediate need to "fight or flight."

Suddenly, or so it seems, I've attained some of that maturity we are promised if we work this program. Thank you, God. How good it feels not to have any enemies. Instead I see loving individuals who share the same goals I do, both in the program, at home, and even at my other volunteer work. Live and let live. Amen.

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At Thursday, July 17, 2008 7:22:00 PM, Blogger Syd said...

Good for you. It's easy to take things personally rather than just thinking Easy Does It or How Important Is It. I have to remind myself of those slogans when I deal with critical people. I'm thankful that I criticize others much less than before.


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